

Belén Uriel (Madrid, 1974) lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal. Her artistic practice focuses on domestic objects and how the way we relate to them can condition our social habits. She focuses on the sculptural qualities of materials such as glass and metal in the creation of organic forms originated by the design of objects that accommodate, support or have a relationship with the human body. These elements, rearranged by the artist, seem to become anatomical parts, partially reconstructing and returning to the bodies that indirectly inspired their form.

Her most recent solo and double exhibitions include: Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo, Évora, Portugal (2023); UPPERCUT, Lisbon (2022); Cascina I.D.E.A, Agrate Conturbia, Italy (2022); Madragoa, Lisbon (2020); CA2M, Madrid (2019); Alexander and Bonin, New York (2019); Museu da Marinha, Lisbon (2018); Sismógrafo, Porto (2018).
Selected group exhibitions include: Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna (2023); WHATIFTHEWORLD, Cape Town (2023) FRAC - Nouvelle Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux (2022); Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira (2022); Bienal Ano Zero, Coimbra (2019); Coleção Teixeira de Freitas, Fundación Santander, Madrid (2019); MUSAC, León, (2017); Muxart, Espai d’Art i Creación Contemporanis, Martorell (2016).

Uriel has been awarded the 6th Audemars Piguet Prize, ARCO Madrid (2018); Gulbenkian Foundation Scholarship, Lisbon (2015); “Art and Research”  Project, Montehermoso Contemporary Art Center, Vitoria, Spain (2011); MUSAC Artistic Creation Scholarship, MUSAC, León (2010-11); Matadero Contemporary Art Creation Scholarship, Matadero Art Center, Madrid  (2010).

Her work is included in various public and private collections, such as:  Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon (Portugal), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid (Spain), Fundación ARCO, Madrid (Spain) , Coleção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado, Lisbon (Portugal), Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Portugal); MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León, Léon), Conde Duque Museum of Contemporary Art (Madrid), Centre d’art La Panera (Spain), BES Collection (Portugal), CAM Collection (Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo Contemporary Art Collection, Spain), INJUVE (Instituto de la Juventud, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Spain), Obra Social Caja de Madrid Contemporary Art Collection (Spain), Unión Fenosa Museum (Spain), Caja de Castilla La-Mancha Contemporary Art Collection (Spain), Purificación García Collection (Spain), Fundación Universidad Complutense de Madrid Collection (Spain), Unicaja Collection (Spain), Laxeiro Foundation (Spain), Pollensa Museum (Spain), António Cachola Collection / MACE ELVAS (Portugal).

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